Tuesday, April 01, 2008

mulled whine

I know you haven't heard from me in awhile, and that's partially because I've been vacillating between being pummeled at work and licking my wounds in a corner, and playing emotional dodge ball on the home front with various and sundry issues.


So, this post could be all about how work sucks in new and different ways I never imagined possible, but then, I feel to adequately convey this point, I would need a 500 page dissertation and perhaps some Everclear to make the reading a bit more palatable.

And, this post could also be about how sometimes, despite the best of intentions, even the most insipid of domestic disputes can turn into some crazy-ass Tet Offensive that gives even the most benign of administrations a run for their "credibility gap."

But really, this post is gonna be about how I wish I had super magical powers, and could make everybody play nice and fair, and not make me wish I'd done everything in my life all completely different.

Or at least had the supermagical power of drinking lots and lots of alcohol without a hangover, because if I could do that, maybe I could get through like, this next week or so without having to watch all my ideals come crashing down around me.

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