Thursday, September 25, 2008

late night living

Even though I've been off this week, I haven't reverted back to a day schedule, which I had been doing, more or less successfully, on some of my weeks off prior.

Hence, I haven't gotten a lot done, and have been keeping the hours of a vampire. A vampire who, coincidentally, has been living off of take-out and utter crap foods up until today, when I finally had groceries delivered (I am not only a vampire, I am a vampire princess.)

Considering the Cirque du Soleil acrobat-like contortions it takes to park my car in the pixie-garage, and my general state of somnolence between the hours of about 6a.m. and 5p.m., I decided to take advantage of the local Safeway's home delivery. Yey for indulgent laziness--I now have a super-stocked refrigerator and pantry!

I haven't been a very productive member of society on my days off, however, and therefore have dreadfully little to report in the way of "news." It feels very strange to sleep the day away, and then be up all night, a strange prisoner of your own home. I'm not complaining, exactly--it's better than being awake all night and at work, but, this late night living does have its disadvantages, the chief one is that you start feeling like some weird social leper.

Meanwhile, as inquiring minds want to know--the worm bin is going better than expected. No weird smells, no massive hari-kari worm suicides... compost is happening! Likewise, the bokashi bin is behaving itself in admirable fashion--smells faintly vinegary and sweetish, but not malodiferous--and without the magically-impregnanted-with-microbes bran, it would smell, I imagine, exactly like a putrid corpse, as I dumped everything in there from some iffy pad thai, to chicken bones, to moldy onions and cheese.

Pictures to follow, when I get off my ass and take some.

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