Tuesday, November 18, 2008

hiatus: a brief retrospective.

So, let's start with the obvious: I haven't posted to The Scutmonkey for awhile.

Long story short: I've been busy. Making plans, revising plans, executing plans, repeat ad infinitum.

But, never fear--I'm still rattling around, like so much change in a Belltown panhandler's insistently ubiquitous cup.

I'm in a rather odd mood right now--must be the infusion of caffeinated beverage and the fact that the sun is descending earlier and earlier these chilly early winter nights.

Off-kilter would be a good way to describe it. Just ever-so-slightly out of focus. Or, off balance maybe. Yes, that's it. Off-balance. Which I guess is the same thing as being off-kilter, isn't it?

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