Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Top Ten Signs You Might Be Living in the Tri-State Area

10. Someone named "Tattoo Tony" wants you iced.

9. You want someone named "Tattoo Tony" iced.

8. Everyone from New Haven pretends they're from Brooklyn.

7. Everyone from Brooklyn pretends they're from Manhattan.

6. Everyone, regardless of where they're actually from, really wants to be somewhere else.

5. The statement "Jesus! You look like crap, you sonuvabitch!" is actually considered a compliment.

4. It makes the evening news when Ziplock bags are used for the intended purpose of storing food, not crack-cocaine.

3. No one has a clue what you just ordered when you say, "I'll have the manicotti, please."

2. Re: #3, you get smacked in the face for saying "please" because the waitress assumes you're being a smart-ass, not polite.

1. "Gun control" means the Mayor doesn't wave around his own .38 Special during town council meetings.

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