Friday, November 16, 2007

geeky geekiness

A couple of nights ago, I dreamed I was in Latin class.


I soooooooo need some better drugs.

I mean, come on Jamie, how geeky can you get?

Let us count the ways:

1) Dreams about Latin
2) Dreams about enjoying Latin class in a happy, blissful way most people associate with eating their favorite dessert, or watching the world unite in utter peaceful harmony (over Latin, of course).
3) While dreaming, criticizes the choice of textbook used and laments the absence of Wheelock, the One True Latin Textbook.

I think in many ways #3 is even geekier than my favorite Latin dream, which is the one where I'm winning University Honors in Latin.

Oh well. I suppose this beats the dreams I have where a patient is coding and I'm immobolized with fear and dread, whilst others about me beat me on the head to do something, stat.

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