Monday, July 31, 2006

Dispelling Theological Rumors

For the record:

As a telemetry nurse, I think I can safely say I've seen enough of human nature to make me very suspcious about theological claims regarding Jesus loving everyone.

If He does Love Everyone, I'd like to know how the hell He does it, because I for one, think there are some really objectively unlovable fuck ups in this world, that anyone, even a Christian deity, who claims to love said persons is lying through His pearly-as-the-gates-of-heaven teeth.

I say this after a day of floating to a medical telemetry floor (and we all know medical telemetry is code for "Bill and Ted's Totally Bogus Telemetry Admission, but whatever, we can charge more for the bed this way/Fraud, who said fraud?!") Dude, two of my patients weren't even on telemetry, and of all five patients I had today, only one of them really needed the telemetry for you know, an actual arrhythmia.

Compared to Old Floor/Old Hospital, though, I would still have to say the assignment pain-in-the-ass scale (with 0 being no pain-in-the-ass and 10 being the worst-pain-the-ass I've ever had) would have only been a 2, and that was including an exceedingly unpleasant Etoh withdrawal chap who enjoyed cursing at me the entire day and refusing essential things like IV access (who needs that crap on a telemetry floor?! being his brilliant rationale), and a Jerry Springer smackdown of family members on a patient who wasn't even mine.

I mean, DUDE, does my badge say, "Hello random people I've never met before in my life, how may I let you bitch slap me today?"

What a bunch of assholes.

Hmmm... maybe my neuro nurse friend is on to something when she says she likes her patients intubated and sedated.

Meanwhile, I'm hoping the census on our floor is back to normal tomorrow, because I've had enough of floating for awhile, thank you.

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