Sunday, August 13, 2006

I now own more theology books than God

I'm sure I have you all wondering, "What do geeks do for fun?"

Well, I am about to tell you.

They unpack years worth of theology books from divinity school and undergrad, lovingly caressing each cover with utmost tenderness, squealing in delight when they come across a long lost collection of Kirkegaard's works, and sighing in affection at a bunch of paperback works of George Eliot.

Then, they arrange their collection according to theme, and find they can't quite rid themselves of Milbank's "Truth in Aquinas" even though they think radical orthodoxy is a load of dragon dung, and the book should probably be placed on the list of Banned Books and used instead as a interrogation technique when confronting captured spies. (Make me read the damn thing again and you'd have me spilling my guts in about ten seconds flat, five if you make me discuss it with PhD candidates).

Any way, I wonder if God every reads the stuff that's been written about Him. If He does, I'll bet he chuckles and says, "My, they've really gotten that part all wrong!" and "Hey, St. Paul, come over here! You've got to see what David Tracey wrote this time. And that Graham Ward--he cracks me up! What a joker! Cities of God, indeed..."

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