Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Thanksgiving is a Stupid Holiday

It just is, okay?!

Stupid holiday.

Moving sucks, too. The whole packing stuff. And the whole, "What the hell do I do with this half bottle of lotion? Do I pack it? Throw it away? It's good lotion! I can't throw it away! But if I pack it, will I use it? Hasn't it been sitting in the cupboard since 2004 any way? But it's good lotion. I paid a lot of money for it."

Etc. etc.

Maybe I should just let people come over and take all my stuff, and start over once I move. It would solve the whole packing half-bottles of lotion problem, and I wouldn't have to figure out what to take to my assignment and what to horde away.

I hate this stupid packing thing!!

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