Friday, November 10, 2006

Cross grebos crusties

Okay, Katy, I'm upping the ante on our Spam Header Challenge 2006.

The delightfully nonsensical "Cross grebos crusties" from baffling sender "irritating" arrived in my inbox this afternoon.

I dunno. You're the one that knows all those foreign languages and knows a lot of big English words. I mean, you're practically a PhD. You think about this kind of stuff for a living!

I feel dumb, but what's a grebos? Is it singular or plural? Is it a mineral, vegetable or animal? Does it bite? Can you cook it and eat it? Are the leaves deadly but the fruit delicious?

Dude, is it even a noun? Maybe it's a verb! Will you go to jail or hell if you do it with a neighbor or even your loved one? Is it legal, or do we have to flee to international waters before we get down to our grebos?

Or perhaps it's an adjective. Those poor crusties. They're apparently dour and grebos.

I think that'll be my new word, especially at work when I've got some attending or resident being a pain in the butt. "Yeah," I'll say knowingly, "That patient's totally grebos."

Then I'll snicker as they surreptitously go for their PDAs and scramble for the ePocrates function and type in frenetically, "grebos." Who knows. Maybe the search will come back with something.

Those grebos doctors. I mean, really.

1 comment:

Zwieblein said...

Dude, you actually *have* discovered an actual word! proclaims that it means "an antisocial person, a lout." Oh, the possibilities-- especially if they're crusty. Must find the etymology for this one-- and if not, will make it up.