Saturday, October 21, 2006

Putin warns

The above title was my favorite from today's bundle of One Hundred and One Spam Messages My Webserver Failed to Filter.

Mysterious and slightly apocalyptic in feel though the heading was, I was not overcome by enough curiousity to risk opening a SPAM message that would wreck havoc on my hard drive in the form of a computer virus.

Still it has left me wondering, in a very detached Manchurian Candidate meets Postmodern Mad Libs sort of way, what specifically the leader of Russia might wish to caution the rest of the e-mail-using population at large.

Thoughts, ideas, or suggestions, people? A booby prize to the contributer who submits the most provocative follow-up subject header, or can accurately guess the meaning of Putin's engimatic warning. For example: "Gorbachev emits" or "Stalin insinuates" or the equally ridiculously suggestive, "Sniff. Lenin."

Disturbing, where a pedantic mind might lead...

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