Saturday, October 07, 2006

Jamie's Top Ten Dream Jobs.

10. A professional liason. Because what does a liason do anyway? We're not sure. We guess "liase." But it sounds sexy and mysterious, doesn't it? Not to mention completely nebulous.

9. Writer for the Conan O'Brien Show.

8. High Inquisitor for the newly minted Task Force On Kicking Hospital CEO Ass.

7. Professional knitter.

6. Marathon sleeper.

5. Random Generator of Useless Academic Essays, eg "Lyrical Gangstas: Textual Layering and Meaning of the Word "Bitch" in the Modern Lexicon of Hip Hop and Rap" or "From Saloon to Strip Club: The Socioeconomic Evolution of Modern American Burlesque." (N.B.: I'm not saying I would write these essays. Just think up titles.)

4. Healthcare professional As Seen On T.V. (eg, not a real one).

3. Poet laureate.

2. Classical musician.

1. Superhero (N.B.: not divinity, at least of popularly contrived Christian variety. Not interested in redeeming/saving the assholes of the world from their own stupidity at my own personal expense. That's called being a nurse, and as my current profession is not a dream job.)

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