Wednesday, March 14, 2007

dog days

Poor Piper has dermatitis due to a mild flea problem, which which he's been on meds (rilly expensive meds, as in I-have-to-work-a-whole-hour-and-a-half-to-afford-
three-doses kinds of meds) and I thought had completely cleared up. All he's done is scratch and scratch and scratch, and all I did was work and work and work, and was too tired to make an appointment on my days off to get him to the vet.

He went a couple of days ago, and they gave him a shot of hydrocortisone. His blood sugar is probably 550, and he's probably hypokalemic, but he's not scratching as much! and appears much more comfortable. Also, due to vacation, I'm much better able to take care of him, as in feed him more than crappy dry dog food, take him for more walks, brush him daily, and generally hang out with him.

In knitting news: I've been working on a blanket for charity for three months, and it seems to never, ever end, even though I've been on the last ball of wool for what seems like a very, very long time.

Also, I need to read more than yahoo headlines and restaurant mensu, because my brain is turning into mush, and I'm having a hard time figuring out what day of the week it is. No sudoku puzzles, though. Those would just ensure my need for anxiolytics on the level of, oh say, horse tranquilizers.

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