Wednesday, March 07, 2007

good night, and good luck.

Friday was my last day at Hospital of Hell. It was one of those nights that made marching in Tiennemann square in front of tanks sound circa 1989 sound "relatively fun and entertaining(!)" and made me think, "I should try that! It would be less painful to be crushed by a several ton moving machine of war than do my job for another four hours!"

I moved out of my apartment on Saturday, and headed toward north by northeast (sorry, Hitchcock/Carey Grant fans).

I decided to do another travel assignment, by default, since the nurse manager of CCU told human resources she wasn't offering the job because "I sounded distracted during my interview." I was like, "Huh? So distracted you offered me a job at the end of the interview?! Who's the distracted one, here?"

The next day I got a much higher paying travel job in central Florida, and am actually much happier, even though I'm freaked out, as it's neuro surgical, not cardiac. I'm trying to memorize stroke protocol and obsessively googling things like "status post laminectomy" and "cranial nerve assessment."

I'm also enjoying my two weeks off before my assignment starts, and the beautiful weather. I'm trying to mute Angry About Work Jamie and just be Happy About Life Jamie for two more weeks. This alone should probably lower my cholesterol levels about ten points, and lessen my increasing risk for hemorrhagic stroke due to a hypertensive crisis secondary to work stress.

Did I mention my new assignment is a day position, and therefore I get to sort of work normal work hours, and go to bed before 11p.m. on my work days like most mortals?

As I'm not a vampire, this prospect excites me and my circadian rhythm to no end.

1 comment:

Zwieblein said...

Congratulations, and welcome back to daylight hours!