Monday, April 23, 2007


I feel like a drugged out old person, or possibly, a depressed young person.

I'm basically sleeping in four hour blocks, waking up, answering an e-mail or two, and then going back to sleep. Every once in awhile I remember I have to walk the dog, or scrounge something to eat (yesterday, I ate a diet comprised exclusively of cheetos and m&m's, because artificial coloring and variety of colors, even unnatural ones, fool me into thinking I'm eating a balanced diet. And, I was too tired to deal with cooking, or even ordering out, which would have entailed talking to people, and opening the door and dealing with a stranger for twenty seconds. Plus, I'm not sure in my near-catatonic state if I remember how to eat with utensils, or communicate verbally.)

It's too bad being a recluse isn't a paying gig. I'm really good at it!

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