Monday, August 27, 2007

daytrippin', Piper-mache, and more!

David came for a visit this weekend, and managed to talk me into standing around at the ferryboat docks (at five thirty! on a Friday! with the crowds!) in order to take a ride out to the bay, where it would be easier to dump my lifeless body.

Just kidding.

But, look, LOOK I say, at the Obligatory Photos of the Seattle Skyline, with the Ultra Obligatory Shot of the Space Needle:

Some random guy said I have "Happy Hair."

We went over to Bainbridge Island, where we saw lots of Tourist ShopsFull of Gratuitous Waffle, including one which sold what I call Piper Mache:

After a tasty meal at a local Mexican restaurant, we took the ferry back, and lo, I have another Obligatory Tourist Picture to show you, entitled Seattle At Night:

And, David's favorite shot: Ivar's House of Clams at Night:

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