Friday, August 24, 2007

practically a made man.

Sad how simple my life has become, really.

I'm very excited, because I made it through my brutal forty-hours-in-four-days Wurk Challenge 2007, and the week was actually decent for a change.

I had this cute patient's husband (who no one else thought was cute, by the way) who was very typically The Sky is Falling! Type. Originally from Noo Yawk, he would stand outside the room, just in the doorway, very audibly complaining and threatening to leave "because he couldn't take it any more!" and then stay, any way, hobbling in the room, and kvetching up a storm about "what this was doing to him!" and his "palpitations!"

You see, from my Connecticut nursing days hanging out with a bunch of High Strung Italian Catholics Who Can't Keep Their Mouths Shut, I recognized his behavior for what it was: extreme love and concern for his wife manifesting in the most irritating way possible, that is, constant complaining. About everything. And anything.

It was Noo Yawk at it's finest, I'm telling you.

I knew called when me, affectionately, a "pest," when I came around to see his wife, that I was actually making good with the guy. Contrary as it seems, I swear to you--with this guy, it was a total compliment, especially when he said, after awhile, "Well, Pest Number One [referring to himself] is leaving now."

And thus, Jamie scores another one for transplanted marginalized people everywhere, bridging the cultural gap between displaced diaspora adoptee and displaced diaspora New York City Jews once again.

It's good to know there's still something worth fighting for, after all.

Or something like that.

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