Sunday, August 05, 2007

lost and not found.

Today I got the bright idea to post some of my latest knitting, including a scarf knit at approximately 7 stitches to the inch... which for you non-knitters out there translates to small, thin yarn and needles.

Like, if the yarn/needles were a person, they'd be Twiggy.

Any way, the point is, the scarf took a couple of months to complete, and I wore it like, maybe once or twice (hey, it's Seattle! I can wear a scarf in July).

But, I have no idea where it is now.

I'm hoping it's in the staff locker room at work, but I've searched my little apartment, and car, and I can't find it.

David's apparently bemused by my innate ability to lose objects in about one square meter of space (note: actual apartment is about 0.5 square meters), in broad daylight, and have no idea I've lost them until a couple of weeks later.

I'm very annoyed by the fact I can't find my scarf, and convinced it fell on the ground while I was out wandering around aimlessly, and I'm going to have to fight some toothless, homeless old person for it when I do find it.

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