Sunday, January 21, 2007


One of my friends has an aunt in her nineties. She lives in a nursing home, and my friend visits her often, and comes away with these hilarious gems of unconventional wisdom.

I don't really have much in the way of a story to tell you, but I do have to record some of her funnier statements for posterity.

On early , young marriage:

"What can I say, I was milk-fed and easily led."

On dating:
A fresh piece of ass is always appealing. Wait a month, and see what it's like then."

Don't you wish you had an aunt that cool?

1 comment:

cL said...

Of course I do! All my aunts are weird and not what you can call cool. Not even close, in fact. It's one of those main reasons I don't talk to them. And the fact that they're just privacy invaders and used to pinch my cheek. >__>