Thursday, January 11, 2007

sick as a dog

I have finally succumbed to a combination of exhaustion, poor sleep hygiene, and being around pneumonia-ridden elderly, plus nurses who come into work hacking up half a lung but claiming to be "fine! really! just fine!"

I feel pretty lousy in one of those vague "I'm glad I don't have to work today" ways, which means I probably should be lying in bed, getting rest, but am so bored by day one of this schedule already that the forecast of daily activities looks bleak for me indeed.

I have a terrible sore throat and generalized malaise (the latter is not necesarily new, but rather, intensified) and my borderline-anorexic appetite has plummeted even further into hitherto untapped depths of "not hungry." I'm living off of around-the-clock prn doses of Halls Defense cough drops and blearily poking around in the refrigerator for unexpired cups of yogurt, which seem to be egregiously lacking, for some reason.

A trip to the grocery store seems unthinkably tiring at this point. Who knows, perhaps I will summon the energy later. Stranger things have happened.

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