Wednesday, July 11, 2007

feeling hot, hot, hot.

I wish I felt a little more "fiesta" and a lot less "frummph" about the weather, which Seattlelites are running around saying is a "heat wave."

For people who live in the Arctic, this is perhaps a "heat wave."

And, while I can certainly see why no one bothers to air condition apartment complexes when the weather is a median of 55 degrees F year round, it absolutely sucks not to have air conditioning on an 93 degree F day, in a little apartment that faces the southwest, and I don't need science to back me up on this one, either.

So, yeah, even though it's about a gajillion degrees in Florida, and I'm glad I'm not stuck sweltering on the East Coast this summer (even Northern Virginia got damned hot and muggy!) I'm still feeling entitled to whine about the "heat" at 1:13 a.m., which is 78 degrees F. It should never be above 55 degrees at night, people! This is Seattle! I see snow-capped mountains in the distance! It messes with my head to have it this hot!

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