Sunday, June 04, 2006

Cape Fear

So I'm already freaking out about my new job, and all I have to do for the next couple of days is computer training.

Being a worry wart, I've spent the last month vaguely petrified that I will somehow screw up and be known as the floor as "that stupid travel nurse" or worse. I keep telling myself nothing could be worse than [community hospital] and if I survived my first year as a nurse there, thirteen weeks anywhere else should be do-able.

True to form, I'm still wigged out, and getting that anxious-tummy, tachycardiac stress-ball feeling back. I seriously have to get over my fear of going to work, and not start prematurely obsessing over whether or not a theoretical house officer I have never met is not going to call me back for hours on a crumping patient I have yet to take as an assignment in a hospital I haven't even set foot inside yet.

Perhaps this is why I look so fondly on my undergraduate and divinity school days, because seriously, even if you screwed up quoting Pelagius or something, it wasn't like forgetting ACLS algorithms in a middle of a code. If you didn't turn in an assignment on time, no one desated to 78% and went into acidosis and crapped out on you.

I can't even remember why I bitched about school, or what I had to bitch about. I'm sure there was plenty, but I seriously can't remember what was so terrible about school. At least divinity school. I still remember what sucked about nursing school, on the other hand.

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