Friday, June 30, 2006

Runaway Train

So, I am a bad dog parent.

I left my apartment door open and got busy doing something else, and the dog sneaked out of the door.

The bad part is, I didn't notice, and probably wouldn't have for hours except that some kind soul in my building noticed him running around--in the parking lot! the fool!--and took him in, and then called me.

The good part is, little dog ID tags work!

I have him microchipped, too, but that's for Big Guns Serious Runaway Antics, such as he gets himself incarcerated in a pound (which he did once, before his High Tech Pet Retrieval System days).

The problem with Piper is he's so quiet I barely notice he's around sometimes, and with the vacuum cleaner going, I definetely didn't notice him gone. He also rarely runs out the door, so I must have been seriously delinquent in closing the door (I'm sure whatever psycho killer is reading my blog is going to make a mental note to figure out where I live because of what a stupid easy target/victim I make.)

He's back now. I haven't a clue where he is, but the door is closed and locked, and last time I checked he hadn't grown fingers and an opposable thumb, so he must be here somewhere...

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