Tuesday, December 12, 2006


I just like saying the word "numquam." It's a very soothing word to say. Try it: numquam.

See, don't you feel all soothed and better?

The other day in orientation, when some presenter was getting all hot and bothered with a power-point presentation on some nursing theory--I want a return to the days of overhead projectors and slideshows, and carving answers in stone for eternity, dammit!--she translated caritas as "love."

It was all I could do not to blurt out annoyingly, "No, it doesn't. Well, I mean, yes, it does theologically speaking, but the word is actually is perhaps more literally translated as "charity," even though some popular biblical translations translate "caritas" as love such as in the Cornithians verse about "faith, love and hope," a translation probably influenced more by the Greek form of the word, agape. In other words, caritas is love in the sense that agape is love; that is, selfless and limitlessly kind toward others." (Having me around is like have Mini-Reference Guide To Useless Theological Ravings, Abridged Form installed on your ipod or palm pilot.)

Of course, my input would have been a complete nonsequitar, and rude and weird, and it wasn't the point of the lecture any way, obviously, but I did have that monologue in my head and was all very annoyed about caritas being translated at love, especially since I think it would have fit the author's point better if had been translated as charity ,and the budding linguist in me was getting more and more peeved by the abberance of the translation by the moment. In fact, I got so fixated on the stupid translation, that it's all I remember about the lecture, except that amount of blood to waste on a bedside ACT is six times the dead space of the catheter being drawn from, so just do a little calculus at the bedside and you've got your answer in cc's!


Why does everything I learn have to screw me up permanently?

Or rather, why can't I just remember the important things, and not dwell on minutiae that isn't important or interesting to anyone?

I'm using too many Latin-based words. I have to stop, and look around for my fake glass eyeball. Maybe I'd see better with it, or something.

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