Sunday, December 03, 2006

Simone Weil Comes to Sarasota

Not really, of course, because she's been dead for some time. I think she died around age 34 of exhaustion. I always thought that was a diagnosis they made up like our modern day "pre-syncopal" events. I mean, did you faint, or didn't you?

But now that I am thirty, and skeletal again in 72 hours, and about to go into a night shift that's totally going screw with my limbic system further, I could it happening.

A funny thing happened though. When I arrived to my apartment yesterday, I initally went to the wrong door because I saw an LL Bean package at the door that said JOHN PAUL CAMPBELL. I thought, "Ah! How sweet! My parents sent me an LL Bean gift!"
I figured it was some weird mistake, because companies have been known to get names wrong before (John being my dad's name, Pauline being my mom's, so JOHN PAUL, not as in the former Pope.) Sometimes this happens even to me, like when I get Playboy subscription offers, because I have a unisex name (but I'm not a boy! I'd like to point out, and also stop sending me Playboy subscription offers; no matter how good the articles are, I'm not interested!)

So I call mom to ask her about the package, and she says, "No, we didn't send you anything!"

And I feel sad and unloved for fifteen seconds.

So I open the gift to see what it is, and it's this tote thing with candy in it. Now I'm not sure what the hell to do with it, because it could be possible is next-door-neighbors.

But wait!

At the same time I noticed that packaged and stood up, I also noticed a mezzuah in the door frame.

Still thinking it was my apartment, I thought, "Whoa. What if the nurse hasn't moved out yet?" followed by, "OMG! Did I just have a Paul-to-Saul reverse conversation spontaneously? Did I just convert and become one of the Chosen People? Cause it makes sense. I'm suffering! I'm persecuted!" Then I calmed down and thought: "Wait, people don't just forget to take along their mezzuzahs when they move, someone lives here, you idiot goy."

I'm glad it doesn't take me this long to figure what to do when people blow their post-cath sheath sites or start desating and going into ARDs.

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