Tuesday, May 29, 2007

almost paradise.

I find I must steal Loz's moniker for her flat in London (The Pixieflat), because, first of all, she is a mighty, powerful trademark and IP lawyer, and I like putting the idea of plagiarizing an IP lawyer's blog. Because I am stupid. Second, I think my apartment (because it is an American blog, and we must use American English now, or else the U.S. readers of this blog will be confused and turned off by the Eurocentricism) qualifies for Ultra Deluxe Pixieflat Status. Because of the tininess. But, I will have to check with Loz on that, because I can't, offhand, translate square feet into square meters, or whatever they use to compare and contrast sizes of flats in the UK and the rest of the "metric-speaking world" (that's a fake Bushism for you!).

My apartment is "tee-tiny" as my friend Cathy from divinity school (who is now a lawyer, too; phew, maybe I should rename this post "A Somber Tribute To All My Friends With Way More Impressive Careers Than Mine.") Realtors would call it "charming and cozy." I call it "small, but home." I also don't require a large amount of space, because I'd just Accumulate Stuff In It Any way.

And, it fulfills my requisite needs for apartment dwelling: clean, quiet, comfortable, and with my own special view of The Seattle Steam Company from my balcony:

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