Saturday, May 19, 2007

south dakota bathroom seriousness redux

I wasn't kidding, man, these Wall, South Dakotans just don't take "no" for an answer when it comes to sufficient amounts of toilets per capita (wish the same could be said for Montana, the state where due to some freakish genetic trait passed down by their hearty pioneer ancestors, apparently no one needs to eat, and therefore use the restroom, if Interstate 90 lack of reststops and restaurants is any indication).

But in Wall, South Dakota, the Restroom Is King:

Plus, if "huge rest rooms" aren't good enough for your all your toileting needs, you'll be glad to know that Wall, South Dakotans won't be bested by any other city or state in the next Restroom Facility State-Wide Competition 2007:

I'll bet Wall, South Dakota, gets an award yearly from the AARP for "most toilets per square foot of any city in the U.S."

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