Sunday, May 20, 2007

and now, a word from our sponsor

I know devoted readers are thinking, "Okay, so the Piper pictures are cute, but we're a little sick of Wall South Dakota Rhapsody #5, and what's going on with all the lighthearted fun?! Where's Cranky Bitchy Wurk Jamie we all know and tolerate benevolently?!"

O ye of little faith! She's lurking right around the corner, as Wurk starts Monday. At least they've cut down substantially on the bullshit orientation; I'm only required to go to human resources, get my ID badge and sign some papers.

All of my shifts are 8 hour shifts this week. In nursing work terms, this is practically like winning a vacation.

So, I'm doing the Traditional Start A New Job Freak Out and wondering if maybe I should go back and read my ACLS algorithms and stare at some telemetry to see if I can recognize Stuff.

But, I'm not really freaking out that much, and this has to do with the fact that I'm kind of tired and only just today woke up enough to hunt down a Target and try to find New Hospital. I hope I make it there tomorrow, because while I did eventually find Large Hospital Main Campus, I still have no idea how I actually got there, having come by a circuitous route per The Branch of New Hospital down the street.

When I get more organized, I'll throw some Seattle pictures on the blog.

Meanwhile, I'm trying to figure out what the hell to wear tomorrow. I UPS'ed a bunch of clothing which won't get here tomorrow, and I either have jeans or some very beat up cargo pants. Oh well. Hopefully, in Seattle, they won't mind the just-came-from-a-hiking-trail business casual look.

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