Wednesday, May 16, 2007

south dakota: where people take bathrooms seriously.

I meandered through South Dakota (from east to west) and a chunk of Wyoming, and a chunk of Montana today.

Because of the bonus hour granted by virtue of entering Mountain Time, I was actually on the road from 3 a.m. this morning until 5:30 p.m.

Also, because a picture is worth 1,000 words (or in my case, about two, due to the unfortunate but acute case of travel-induced aphasia) I've chronicled my Trip Through Mostly South Dakota Today in photographic form.

Geriatric people and people with 30 milliliter capacity bladders such as myself will appreciate this post.

Nota bene: I was attracted to this particular rest stop because a prominent sign at the entrance strictly forbade the visitor from hunting. I was confused. Hunting what? For toilet paper? Paper towels? I may have been on the road for about six hours at that point on three hours of sleep (yes, completely safe driver alert!) but a girl knows when something ain't quite right with a place.

Any way, I couldn't get a picture of that sign, but it inspired me to take other random photos of my trans-america sojourn.

And don't ask me what's going on with the pictures above the text, or why they're first, and not in the order I wished. I don't understand why blogger always puts the picture at the top of the blog, no matter where you actually want it to go in the text. Some one more blog savvy can solve this for me, I know it. You , dear readers, are the clever people who solved the mystery of the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center, after all! I'm counting on you to solve my blogspot tech frustrations!

Pictures, above: So, are the recycling bins only for the convenience of visitors to South Dakota, or can other people, who live there, use them, too?

Picture, below: Uh. I mean, I know it's art, and rules of perspective are not necessarily observed in contemporary forms of expression.

But why is the buffalo the size of a bull mastiff in comparison to the Native American? Are those secret, hitherto unknown species of midget buffalo? And what's with those prairie dogs, man?! I'm more afraid of those lard ass suckers than the buffalo, frankly. They have some serious growth hormone issues! They're almost as big as the buffalo!

I'm extremely worried about that Native American. Not only is he depicted in an anatomically impossible and most likely therefore extremely painful position--not to mention have some serious-rival-Barbie's-problems-with-proportion--but what's with the Speedos?

P.S. It isn't over yet. I have more stupid pictures.


mmr said...

I'm chiming in to help out with blogger in hopes that I might get a message from your travels. I too have noticed that blogger wants to put all pictures at the very top, but the way you can subvert that is going into "compose" mode, copy the image, and paste it wherever you want. That seems to work fine on my computer.

However, if you don't have compose mode and you're writing in html, then just copy what's between the triangular brackets at the top (which will be the code for the image) and paste that wherever you want. Seems like your images are looking good in your last few posts, so maybe all is well now.

I'm really enjoying your trip! mmr

Ziggy said...

mmr: i'm still waiting for the right photo op to come along-- especially for you! thanks for the blog tips; no one's been able to solve that for me, and it's been really frustrating.