Monday, May 14, 2007

cujo terrorizes local burger joint

There are reasons why I love The South. Subtle, mysterious reasons that I can't quite explain at present.

And also, glaringly obvious reasons, like the following conversation I overheard at a monolithically giant fast food chain in Podunk, Tennessee, between a manager and his erstwhile employees. (I must here confess I was ordering that traditional American favorite, Deep Fried Lard Masquerading as Potato Pieces:

[to employees]
Now, y'all, I don't wanna know what it is y'all know.

[Chuckle vaguely, apparently unsure what it is they know the manager doesn't.]

But, y'all gotta protect the food, 'cause there's this big ol' dog who's been loose around these here parts for hours now. Sheriff's out looking for him and all.

Protect the food?!

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