Wednesday, May 16, 2007

camp disappointment.

Again, mea culpa for the inexcusable paucity of knowledge when it comes to the recollection of my own country's history, but is/was there really a camp called "Camp Disappointment?"

This to me sounds way too postmodern.

But, if I had to name a Camp, that's what I'd call it. Except I'd contract Katy--who I instantly knew would enjoy this picture for similar reasons as I (me?)--to find some 95 letter German word that explained in precise, painstaking detail the qualitative and quantitative description of this camp of disappointment, or failing that, a twenty five word, rambling, incoherent, quote from Foucault.

But, if brevity is the soul of wit--Camp Disappointment works for me. Especially if you're depressed, because that's still a long word to have to spit out when you're too melancholy to use actual words to describe your psychic pain.

(Also, I'm curious as to the juxtaposition of the donkey/horse with the overly long neck. Why is s/he standing there, exactly, and could that mysterious facial contortion be an expression of aghast disappointment with its creator's unfortunate artistic ability?)

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