Sunday, May 06, 2007

the demonstrative pronoun sweeps America!

So, I'm preparing for The Big Move, which entails Putting These Things Into This Box, and Those Things Into Another Box (uh oh. I feel a Latin Pedantry Moment: The Demonstrative Pronoun In All Its Shining Glory, coming on strong).

It also entails Stealth Mingling of my 100,000 paper towel rolls, instant oatmeal packages, and various half-used cleaning products amongst my parents' cupboards. This is called "downsizing."

I am also trying not to look at my AAA TripTik, which is probably a good many pages more than I care to study, for fear of chickening out, getting to Missouri, and begging my recruiter to find another contract for me in Missouri, because there is no way in hell I can drive any more.

In other news, the dog got sick two days before I left Central Florida Nightmare Of Doom assignment, requiring a midnight $200 emergency vet trip for what essentially turned out to be A Very Bad Tummy Ache. He's better now, even though I have officially burned a hole through my already singed-looked pocket.

Nothing more to report here, except I am still feeling exhausted and the most philosophical construct I can come up with at present is, "Does my charity knitting project exist in some kind of time-warp, wherein it is possible to knit on the damn thing for five months and still not come up with a finished blanket despite hundreds of hours committed to the stupid f-ing thing?"

The answer my friends, is blowing in the wind.

And that answer is: yes.

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