Sunday, June 24, 2007

breakfast of champions

I know. I know, okay?

It's not the Cat Advice Stand, or the Dog Mafia band (with live dogs looking really bored while their owners sing for pennies an hour in donations!) you've been looking for.

But, it's the best I can do.

Maybe we can have a blog contest (which mmr would win, by the way, due to her super sleuthing abilities): guess which filling is inside the piroshky.


mam said...

I'm going with Potato Onion Cheese. Or, possibly, Beef & Cheese. Something plus cheese. Definitely not a sweet one.
Please post winning answer soon!

mam said...

say, did i win the contest? i keep checking to find out.

Ziggy said...

By default, you are the winner, since no one else even took the bait. You are right, it's a savory pastry, and it does have cheese. It was a spinach, egg and cheese. You win! (I'm not sure what you win, but YOU WIN!)

Zwieblein said...

I admit, I was befuddled by the picture; knowing your predilection for the sweet piroshkies, this one did look decidedly savory. I'm glad to know I was on the right track, even if I was too chicken to hazard a guess.