Saturday, June 30, 2007

full moon fever.

There are many, many lessons to be learned in a hospital setting.

One such lesson: you should try to avoid being a hospital, especially if you are an employee of said institution. (If you are patient, definitely avoid the hospital).

Another lesson: In the time it takes for you, the annoying lazy hospital employee, to bitch out the nurse for something you're supposed to do simply because you don't want to do your job, you could have done the goddamn thing about three times, and no, I don't really care, even if I have to pretend I care, about your stupid whining. (I care about my own whining.)

And finally, a big lesson: If you ever have a night where you have to ask, "Jesus Christ, is it a full moon or something?" that if a) Jesus Christ actually answers you, I'd suggest getting a different job or maybe asking some other deity/switch denominations and b) you have to ask that question at all, the answer is always going to be, "Yes."

So don't ask. Just go do your job before I have to figure out what your job is and do it any way.

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