Sunday, June 24, 2007

bring it on.

Work has been busy this weekend.

I could tell you the whole story, but it's a Long Story, and actually, not very interesting when it comes right down to it.

Short version: there was a lot of drama when there shouldn't have been drama.

Actually, I can pretty much summarize the pleasant collegial atmosphere that pervaded the "discussion" I had with an attending by quoting South Park dialogue between Cartman and Stan:
Cartman: Now stop wasting Mel Gibson's time, you little pussy prick.
Stan: Don't take that tone with me, kid. I'll kick your ass.

Cartman: Yah. Well, I'd like to see you try. I'm, like, 6 feet tall.
Stan: Yah. Well, you sound like a little bitch to me.
Cartman: Bitch! Don't call me bitch, bitch!
Stan: Bring it on then, bitch!
Cartman: I already brung it, bitch. I brung it, opened it, and set it on the table, bitch.
I mean, okay, so nobody actually the other person a "pussy prick" or a "bitch" during the actual confrontation, but that's pretty much what was said any way, without the profanity. (And I think the word "bitch" got tossed around quite a bit afterward, in private and out of earshot of the patient and family).

The thing is, nobody won the argument, and I'm pretty sure the patient lost out, any way, because nothing got done despite all the time that was wasted with an attending up in my face, yelling for no good reason.

It shouldn't be that way, but sometimes, it is.

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