Friday, June 22, 2007

o ye of little faith

While I'm bitching, I have to mention just one more thing (I guess I have to do my monthly quota of bitching on this blog, so that my loyal fans--all like, two of them--don't think I've gone soft with the Awesomest Job of Awesomeness Ever).

When I have an alert and oriented patient who can damn well tell me what his pain management need are, please do not think I am lying to you, the family member, when I say I can't give the patient any more pain medicine for a couple of hours.

Like, I get that family members feel helpless when patients have surgery, and want to help. I'm glad you're concerned about mom or dad or little old nana.

But seriously, when I tell you all this information, and the patient is like, "That's cool, thanks." do not say, "Really?" like you think I'm just making this shit up, because I don't want to give so-and-so pain medicine, and am just saying this for the hell of it, or lying because I'm lazy and don't feel like doing my job right now.

That, too, is totally obnoxious, and condescending.

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