Sunday, June 03, 2007

hostile hostel

Amy, I know you're always looking for hostels. But, remember that horror movie, Hostel, or whatever?

I assume because it's a horror movie, that the plot has to do with violent, gruesome murders in a hostel. But, maybe your Mrs. W. sponsored mannequin will protect you.

Except, if you stay here, perhaps.

Then all bets are off. I mean, yeah, okay, there's a friendly sign with the disembodied, old-timey hand pointing to your doom in a sort of insistent go-here-and-get-murdered-right-away! type fashion. And the sign does say "welcome" in joined-together-writing script, which makes you think, "Aw! It can't be that bad! The sign has cursive writing. I clearly can't be murdered there. It's against good penmanship rules! Plus, look, you have to be a legitimate traveler, because they require documents!"

All I'm saying is, I think the sign in the front of the entrance that says "ATM" is referring to you the traveler, and your money/valuable goods:

I mean, can't you tell it's a scary place just by the address? Why is it only 105 1/2? Why not just 105? Or 106?

Dodgy, I'm telling you. Half a building does not = kosher.

Also, I think that bicycle stick figure riding over the other bicycle stick figure is code for "Stay away, stick figures, or another stick figure will kill you!"

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