Saturday, June 02, 2007

red bowls

I wandered, lonely as a... something... today. (Is it, cloud?! Someone more literate please tell me before I have to renounce my humanities degree.)

And, I got batteries! For my camera! So I can accost my readers with more Lame Pictures of Seattle Which They Could Probably Find On The Internet.

I stopped and took a picture of my favorite place to pick up Korean take-out on the cheap (even though some asshole in a white S
UV shouted out the window, in what I can only assume was a nasty fit of drunken drunkenness: 'Don't take it!'' I think he meant the picture, the wad of useless wad):

So, to drunken shit head out there: I took the picture, you bastard. And I sure hope you weren't the one driving.

And to all you nurses out there: Try not to think of it as "red bowels" please, because I've already thought of that, thank you.

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